With global consumption of edible oils set to double in the next twenty years, expansion of the palm oil industry has become one of the main planks in the government of Indonesia's plans for national development. Now the opportunity to market palm oil as 'bio-diesel' is fueling even faster expansion. The implications for Indonesia's forests are dire. But what of the millions of people who live …
Buku ini merupakan dokumen penerapan prinsip-prinsip Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) No. 2 dan No. 3 di Indonesia.
Growing global demand for palm oil is fuelling the large-scale expansion of oil palm plantations across Southeast Asia and Africa. Concerns about the environmental and social impacts of the conversion of vast tracts of land to monocrop plantations led in 2004 to the establishment of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), which encourages oil palm expansion in ways that do not destroy hi…
The ‘Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil’ (RSPO) is an initiative established by businesses involved in the production, processing and retail of palm oil in collaboration with major environmental NGOs, notably WWF. Key members include Malaysian and Indonesian palm oil companies and European processing and retailing companies. Two ‘social NGOs’ have also joined the executive board of t…
Meningkatnya permintaan global untuk minyak sawit tengah memacu ekspansi besar-besaran perkebunan kelapa sawit di Asia Tenggara dan Afrika. Kekhawatiran timbul atas dampak lingkungan dan sosial dari konversi lahan yang sangat luas untuk perkebunan monokultur menyebabkan pembentukan forum minyak sawit berkelanjutan (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil/RSPO) pada tahun 2004 yang mendorong ekspansi…
This book reveals that the majority of South East Asian countries already have plural legal systems and to some extent custom is recognized as a source of rights in the constitutions and laws of a number of them. National and international courts have affirmed indigenous peoples' customary rights in land. And all these countries have endorsed and ratified key international laws and treaties. Th…
Sektor minyak sawit seluruh dunia berada dalam tahap ekspansi yang cepat namun mendapat tantangan yang kuat dari organisasi-organisasi masyarakat sipil nasional dan internasional yang menunjukkan bahwa proses pembebasan lahan dan pembukaan lahan untuk kebun kelapa sawit yang tak pandang bulu menimbulkan hilangnya habitat dan kepunahan spesies secara cepat, emisi gas rumah kaca yang mengkhawatir…