The year 2004 marked the end of the first International Decade of the World's Indigenous People and, for many, this was an opportunity to look back and assess the progress made since 1995
Dengan kontribusi dari para cendekiawan dan aktivis pribumi dan non-pribumi, The Indigenous World 2002-2003 memberikan gambaran umum tentang perkembangan penting pada tahun 2002 dan awal tahun 2003 yang telah berdampak pada masyarakat adat di dunia. Edisi tahun ini mencakup dua wilayah baru: Sirkumkaribia dan Timur Tengah (Badui Israel). Buku ini berisi: Laporan wilayah dan negara yang mencakup…
Although 2005 saw significant progress made in term of recognising indigenous people's right, this first year in the second UN decade of the World's Indigenous People
The impression one has on reading this year's contributions to the indigenous world is that, despite notable advances, the situation of indigenous peoples still remains extremely precarious and even, in many cases, alarming.
The Indigenous World 2007 bears witness to abuse ranging from oppression of indigenous cultures and practices to outright persecution of indigenous rights activists, criminalization of indigenoues peoples' movement and protest, and even political killings
Buku ini berisi tentang informasi REDD pengurangan emisi dari deforestasi dan degradasi hutan di negara-negara berkembang sebagai langkah mitigasi terhadap perubahan iklim, dan akibatnya bagi masyarakat adat.