With global consumption of edible oils set to double in the next twenty years, expansion of the palm oil industry has become one of the main planks in the government of Indonesia's plans for national development. Now the opportunity to market palm oil as 'bio-diesel' is fueling even faster expansion. The implications for Indonesia's forests are dire. But what of the millions of people who live …
The ‘Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil’ (RSPO) is an initiative established by businesses involved in the production, processing and retail of palm oil in collaboration with major environmental NGOs, notably WWF. Key members include Malaysian and Indonesian palm oil companies and European processing and retailing companies. Two ‘social NGOs’ have also joined the executive board of t…
Berdasarkan data dan fakta diatas dapat diketahui dengan jelas bahwa kebun kelapa sawit yang ditanam di tanah mineral selama 25 tahun hanya mampu menyerap 130 ton CO2 eq/ha atau kalaupun bervariasi maka kemungkinan besar tidak akan lebih dari 180 ton CO2 eq dengan mengingat kandungan karbon pada bagian atas permukaan di kebun kelapa sawit di Tanah Grogot adalah 39,94 ton/ha atau setara dengan14…