The efforts at public information is, at first glance, laudable. Non-transparency, is, after all; a key issue which has, time and again, been hurled at these profit-making monoliths. But a review of these efforts would show that it is not public education that is being sought but public relations. It is not a better understanding of the mining issue, but blind acceptance of the mining industry.
This is the first book to serve those needs. In addition, this book is comprehensive enough to cover the partners of NGOs in the field of environmental education ranging from schools and governments to the media, while the focus is put on NGOs. This comprehensiveness rightly reflects the importance of a multi-stakeholder approach for promoting environmental education and achieving a sustainable…
The ideas presented in this book should be viewed as a challenge. Since the Cold War is now over, we can turn our undivided attention to protecting and healing earth so that people can live and work in clean, safe, and nurturing environments regardless of the color of their skin or where they may live. We would be remiss in our responsibility if we refused to take this opportunity to make a dif…
Alur dari buku ini dimulai dari sebelum dimulainya desentralisasi pemerintahan, yaitu pada masa sentralisasi didominasi oleh pemerintah yang otoritarian diwarnai dengan berbagai tindakan yang represif dengan pengelolaan sumber daya alam yang bersifat eksploitatif
Masalah kemiskinan di Jawa, atau hubungan antar manusia dan sumber daya alam yang tersedia khususnya tanah, selalu merupakan topik menarik bagi para peneliti sosial-ekonomi pedesaan. Joan Hardjono, dalam buku ini menyoroti secara tajam kebijaksanaan intensifikasi yang nampaknya sudah melampaui batas-batas teknis dan ekonomis. Usaha untuk menaksir sebagaimana jauh sistem pemasaran dan sistem kre…