Fenomena transisional di satu sisi mencerabut berbagai sistem nilai dan meluluhlantakkan tatanan sosial yang mapan baik dalam pengertian positif maupun negatifnya. la menggugat secara epistemologis dan ontologis berbagai konsep dan teori sosial yang menjadi pijakan praktik dan praksis politik berbangsa dan bernegara yang berlaku selama ini. la mengguncang secara etis berbagai landasan dan legit…
Buku ini berisikan kumpulan tulisan psfs dsst konferensi dies natalis ke-50 Universitas Sanata Dharma, Yogyakarta tanggal 17-19 November 2005.
Buku ini berisikan pidato pengukuhan jabatan guru besar dalam bidang ilmu hukum pada Fakultas Hukum Universitas Brawijaya
Carut-marut pengelolaan agraria tidak hanya melahirkan persoalan kemiskinan tetapi juga telah melahirkan bencana sosial. Di beberapa daerah di Indonesia, konflik yang merenggut korban jiwa yang tidak sedikit tak terhindarkan. Yang lantas sangat menyedihkan, apa yang ditakutkan oleh presiden pertama kita dalam setiap pidatonya bahwa Indonesia berada di bawah ancaman neo-kolonialisme dan neo-impe…
This report aims to provide a general overview of social forestry' in ASEAN countries and their readiness to implement social forestry in support of climate change mitigation and adaptation. The report focuses on Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia (with specific focus on the States of Sarawak and Sabah), Myanmar, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. Brunei Darussalam and Singapore do not…
This paper addresses the increasing concern over the contribution of charcoal production and commercial timber extraction to deforestation and forest degradation in Zambia. This scoping study notes that rural communities in Zambia are fully involved in forest management and do obtain direct incentives from these forests, a critical condition for realising sustainable forest management. With tra…
Social attributes such as gender, wealth, age, ethnicity, migration status and religion can confer systematic disadvantages by making it difficult for some groups and individuals to access public and private mechanisms of resource allocation or decision making. In this strategy, we set out possibilities for strengthening how we address gender concerns in the CGIAR Research Program on Forests, T…
The issue of REDD+ benefit sharing has captured the attention of policymakers and local communities because the success of REDD+ will depend greatly on the design and implementation of its benefit-sharing mechanism. Despite a large body of literature on potential benefit-sharing mechanisms for REDD+, the field has lacked global comparative analyses of national REDD+ policies and of the politica…