Thus in December 1993 the United Nations, affirming that conservation of biological diversity is a common concern of humankind, put into force the Conven- tion on Biological Diversity (CBD). The Philippines was one of the first signatories to this Convention.2 The CBD pursues three objectives: 1) conservation of bio- logical diversity, 2) sustainable use of its components and 3) equitable sh…
This series is being published by Tebtebba Foundation in time for the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) to be held on August 26-September 4, 2002 in Johannesburg, South Africa. This series aims to disseminate Indigenous peoples' positions and interventions on sustainable development issues.
Pada awalnya audit hanya dikaitkan dengan bidang keuangan. Namun dalam perkembangannya audit juga telah meliputi bidang-bidang lain sehingga lazim diketahui berbagai jenis audit seperti audit lingkungan, audit legal, dan audit sosial. Audit gender tidak lain merupakan bagian dari audit sosial dalam arti yang lebih luas. Buku ini menawarkan konsep dan metoda untuk melakukan audit gender. Audi…
On the first part, during the New Order regime, Indonesia tend to apply counter fact and counter critics diplomacy especially on common human rights issues. Indirectly Indonesia also bargained with the western world as their compensation of befriending these countries that considered communists block as their mutual enemy Therefore during New Order regime, foreign policies were not playing mech…
During the Bali Climate Change Conference, held in Bali, Indonesia in December 2007, participating Governments adopted the Bali Road Map, a set of decisions that represented the various tracks that were seen as key to reaching a global climate deal. The Bali Road Map includes the "Bali Action Plan", which launched a new, comprehensive process to enable the full, effective and sustained implemen…
This report is divided into three parts. The first provides an overview of the challenges, tasks and problems that government needs to address to complete the land acquisition and distribution component come 2014 and to fully implement CARPER The second highlights CARPER implementation under President Benigno Simeon Aquino III's administration. The last summarizes the results of the consultatio…
Buku ini merupakan Seri Pertama narasi profil wilayah adat yang disajikan berdasarkan dokumen hasil verifikasi BRWA Sembilan profil wilayah adat dalam buku ini meliputi wilayah adat Ammatoa Kajang (Kabupaten Bulukumba), Ngata Ona (Kabupaten Sigi), Huta Sihaporas (Kabupaten Simalungun), Wewengkon Pasir Eurih (Kabupaten Lebak), Ngata Lindu (Kabupaten Sigi), Mukim Kunyit (Kabupaten Pidie) Ngata Mo…
Buku ini berisi tentang proses pelaksanaan konsultasi publik perancangan Undang-Undang Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Alam di 28 propinsi di Indonesia, selama kurun waktu akhir 2002-2003. Konsultasi publik dilakukan sebanyak 141 kali mencakup tingkat nasional, regional, propinsi, kabupaten, kecamatan, desa dan komunitas. Dari proses yang berlangsung, tergambar berbagai kerusakan dan penyebab kerusa…
Buku ini berisikan Rencana Aksi Nasional (RAN) Pemberantasan Korupsi 2004-2009.