Tragedi 1965 masih menjadi misteri hingga sekarang. Banyak pihak, terutama tentara dan sisa-sisa rejim orde baru masih menyimpan peristiwa itu sebagai dogma, bukan sejarah. Sejarah menyadarkan, dogma mematikan. Meskipun berbagai catatan mengenai kejadian dan karakter dari upaya kudeta 1 Oktober 1965 di Indonesia telah dipublikasikan, tetapi banyak aspek penting dari peristiwa itu masih sangat …
Who would have thought that the storm blows harder the farther it leaves Paradise behind?
This book by Benedict Anderson significantly broadens the foundation provided by the rare in-depth treatments. His inten- sive and detailed analysis of the genesis of the Indonesian revolu- tion discloses important characteristics which are not evident in accounts of other modern revolutions. In carrying our under- standing of the formative period of the Indonesian revolution much further than …