“Chicken died in the rice barn”, said an Indonesian old proverb, a metaphor that precisely appropriate to describe the present food situation of the country. Another popular metaphor about this tropical islands where is “a wooden stick even growing to be a fruitful plant” will remain as an empty slogan. In fact, cases of food shortage and malnutrition still continously happening in vari…
Jika kemiskinan masih merajalela, ledakan sosial dalam bentuk kekerasan massa, sulit dibendung. Banyak kalangan menganggap, fanatisme keyakinan beragama sebagai salah satu embrio munculnya gerakan radikal. Namun, sebagian mengaitkannya dengan persoalan ekonomi. Nah, seorang perwira tinggi militer, Laksamana Muda TNI Didit Herdiawan, termasuk yang mempunyai anggapan, radikalisme erat kaitanny…
Kyrgyzstan is an interesting example of a relatively weak state, which for its brief period of independence has already ousted two presidents, experienced two revolutions, survived two interethnic conflicts and yet remained intact. This book explores this apparent paradox and argues that the schism between domestic and international dimensions of state and regime security is key to understandin…