The Structure of Liberty : justice and the rule of law
What is liberty, as opposed to licence, and why is it so important? When people pursue happiness, peace, and prosperity whilst living in society, they confront pervasive problems of knowledge, interest, and power. These problems are dealt with by ensuring the liberty of the people to pursue their own ends, but addressing these problems also requires that liberty be structured by certain rights and procedures associated with the classical liberal conception of justice and the rule of law. This book identifies the content of natural rights—several property, freedom of contract, first possession, restitution, and self defence—and explains how natural rights are distinct from natural law and why these abstract rights require a conventional rule of law to implement. Barnett discusses the practicality of restitution as an alternative to punishment in criminal justice and the constitutional principles that are needed to protect fundamental rights from enforcement error and abuse. After describing how a polycentric legal system would function, he concludes by considering communitarian objections and those based on retributive and distributive justice.
Keywords: communitarianism, distributive justice, legal system, liberty, natural law, natural rights, punishment, restitution, retributive justice, rule of law
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Apa itu kebebasan, yang berbeda dengan kebebasan bersyarat, dan mengapa hal itu begitu penting? Ketika orang mengejar kebahagiaan, kedamaian, dan kemakmuran saat hidup bermasyarakat, mereka menghadapi masalah pengetahuan, kepentingan, dan kekuasaan yang meluas. Masalah-masalah ini ditangani dengan memastikan kebebasan rakyat untuk mengejar tujuan mereka sendiri, tetapi mengatasi masalah-masalah ini juga mengharuskan kebebasan disusun oleh hak-hak dan prosedur-prosedur tertentu yang terkait dengan konsepsi liberal klasik tentang keadilan dan supremasi hukum. Buku ini mengidentifikasi isi hak-hak alamiah—beberapa properti, kebebasan berkontrak, kepemilikan pertama, restitusi, dan pembelaan diri—dan menjelaskan bagaimana hak-hak alamiah berbeda dari hukum alam dan mengapa hak-hak abstrak ini memerlukan aturan hukum konvensional untuk diterapkan. Barnett membahas kepraktisan restitusi sebagai alternatif hukuman dalam peradilan pidana dan prinsip-prinsip konstitusional yang diperlukan untuk melindungi hak-hak fundamental dari kesalahan penegakan dan penyalahgunaan. Setelah menjelaskan bagaimana sistem hukum polisentris akan berfungsi, ia menyimpulkan dengan mempertimbangkan keberatan-keberatan komunitarian dan keberatan-keberatan yang didasarkan pada keadilan retributif dan distributif.
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