Recognition of the fact that most of the wprld has been affected to some degree by nineteenth-century European imperialism has not alwasy led to an understanding of the continuing effects of colonial and neo-colonial power
Buku ini menggambarkan konflik-konflik yang terjadi di Irian Jaya (Papua), baik konflik antara orang Irian dengan para penjajah, orang Irian dengan Indonesia serta Indonesia dengan Belanda yang didorong oleh suatu semangat dan hasrat nasionalisme dan hasrat untuk menguasai Irian Jaya. Setiap konflik yang ada ini mengikuti arus sejarah secara periodik. Periode sejarah dapat diklasifikasikan menj…
Jurisprudence has two meanings. In the civil law tradition of Europe it means the collectivity of decisions of a particular court
Buku ini berisi hasil penelitian mengenai bagimanakah budaya hukum dan sub-budaya hukum masyarakat Batak Toba pada umumnya, yang tidak menempatkan perempuan sebagai ahli waris dengan berbagai dampaknya bagi perempuan, sehingga menyebabkan kelompok perempuan tertentu menciptakan budaya hukum dan sub-budaya hukumnya sendiri, yang tercermin melalui cara perempuan memilih institusi peradilan dalam …
This book is about the politics of nature conservation in late New Order and early Reformasi Indonesia
Pelibatan Lintas Sektor dan Dunia Usaha dalam Pemberdayaan Komunitas Adat Terpencil merupakan salah satu indikator penting dalam mengukur kinerja pemberdayaan komunitas adat terpencil
It is no secret that today economic crisis threatens the entire globe with disaster and conventional wisdom and standard economic theories have proven themselves helpless in the face of the mounting danger. Now more than ever before we must ask new questions about our economy and come up with new answers about what we should do to save our- selves before it is too late.
I started this book nearly ten years ago and, in a sense, it started itself. What was to become The Affluent Society was nearing completion when another and larger world began obtruding itself on my thoughts. This was a world of great corporations a world in which people increasingly served the convenience of these organizations which were meant to serve them. It was a world in which motives se…
Since this book was inspired by the work of participants in the conference on critical legal studies, i owe an incalculable debt to all those participants